• Dual Channel Integrated Dispenser, 0-15 psi

  • Mã sản phẩm: 1390322
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  • Dual Channel Integrated Dispenser, 0-15 psi
    These Loctite® Dual Channel Integrated Dispensers combine both a controller and reservoir into a single, integrated unit. This decreases the foot print, cost and complexity when compared to systems with a separate reservoir and controller. Choose from a 0-15 or 0-100 psi pressure regulator which are well suited for all single component Loctite® adhesives up to 80,000 cPs.

    These Loctite® controllers provide digital timing control for up to two Loctite® automatic dispense valves; two pneumatic hand-held valves; or for an advancing slide and one valve. It can operate in a manual or timed dispense mode.

    Both models (low pressure or high pressure) are equipped with a low level sensor, which will notify the operator with a flashing visual signal when the adhesive level is low.

  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
  • Datasheet User Manual 2D Dwg file 2D Dxf file  3D Stp File 

    Item Title
    8900064 Reservoir Tank Fitting, 1/4 inch NPT x 1/4 inch tubing
    97201 Footswitch
    97972 1/4 inch O.D. Black Polyethylene Teflon Lined Fluid Feedline Tubing (33 foot length)
    981880 Reservoir Tank Lid O-Ring
    984687 Anti-bubbler kit; 2 adapters & 2 sleeves
    985397 Airline Filter / Regulator w/ Pressure 
    997569 Silicone Grease, 6 Gram Tube


Đánh giá của bạn: 
 5điểm /1lượt
Còn lại 0 chiếc

The Loctite® Dual Channel Integrated Dispenser combines a dual channel dispense controller and reservoir into a single system.  The controller provides 2 independent digital timing channels that provide control of 2 pneumatic ouputs. These outputs can be used to control dispense valves, advancing slides, or any other pneumatic device.  The controller can be actuated either by a footswitch, fingerswitch, or external signal.  It is capable of operating in a manual or timed mode for dot or bead dispensing applications. The reservoir can accomodate 50 ml, 250 ml, 500 gram, 1 liter, 2 kg, and 200 gram adhesive packages which deliver adhesive to dispensing valves.  This unit has a 0-1 bar (0-15 psi) pressure regulator which is well suited for low to medium viscosity (<3,000 cP) adhesives. 


  • Can be used to control two dispense valves or one dispense valve and one advancing slide. Typical valves used with the unit are 97113971149801398009 or Hand-held valves 97116 or 97112
  • Delay setting allows positioning of an advancing slide prior to the opening of a dispense valve.
  • Low level sensor alarm provides warning for adhesive bottle replacement.
  • Easy-to-use keypad with LCD display screen for entering values.
  • Simple menu-driven commands.
  • Equipped with a 0 to 1 bar (0-15 psi) pressure regulator.
  • Analog pressure gauge.
  • Time is adjustable from 0.01 to 99.99 seconds.
  • Can be run in Auto or Manual mode.
  • Manual button for purging adhesives from valves.
  • Includes footswitch.

There are also low level and cycle complete dry-contact relay outputs to interface with external controls (PLC). Low level detection is highly recommended when dispensing cyanoacrylate products, to avoid introducing air into the product line and dispense valve.

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