• Stationary Applicator Valve with 3/8 inch Feedline

  • Mã sản phẩm: 97114
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    Nhà sản xuất:
  • The Loctite® Stationary Applicator Valve 97114 with a 3/8 inch feedline is a slim, lightweight, patented sealless dispense valve. It has a double-acting cylinder which allows for adjustable opening and closing speeds for increased dispensing control. This valve must be used in conjunction with a controller and product reservoir.

    Adjustable suck-back feature eliminates stringing and dripping.
    Modular design of product shut-off valve and valve actuator provides for on-line serviceability.
    Compatible with all Loctite medium to high viscosity (up to 80,000 cPs) products.
    Can be used in stationary mounted, robotic, or hand-held applications.
    See optional hand-held Pistol Grip Trigger (as shown in right photo) item #1176444.
    Click here for Stationary Mounting Bracket # 97242. Required with Pistol Grip Trigger.
    This valve can be used with an Integrated Dispense Reservoirs to form a complete Dispensing System. See # 1390321

    Available spare parts are the actuator assembly (top half), item # 97291 or shut-off assembly, (bottom half) item # 97240

    Valves need maintenance? Click here for our rebuild exchange program.

  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
  • Product Description Sheet  Product Manual 3D Stp File 2D Dxf File

    Spare Parts

    item Title
    1176444 Pistol Grip Handle Trigger for Dispense Valves
    97240 Shut-Off Valve Assembly (3/8 inch Feedline)
    97242 Mounting Bracket for 97113 or 97114 Stationary Dispense Valve
    97291 Actuator Assembly for 97113/97114 Valve


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The Loctite® Stationary Applicator Valve 97114 with a 3/8 inch feedline is a slim, lightweight, patented sealless dispense valve. It has a double-acting cylinder which allows for adjustable opening and closing speeds for increased dispensing control. This valve must be used in conjunction with a controller and product reservoir.

Adjustable suck-back feature eliminates stringing and dripping.
Modular design of product shut-off valve and valve actuator provides for on-line serviceability.
Compatible with all Loctite medium to high viscosity (up to 80,000 cPs) products.
Can be used in stationary mounted, robotic, or hand-held applications.
See optional hand-held Pistol Grip Trigger (as shown in right photo) item #1176444.
Click here for Stationary Mounting Bracket # 97242.  Required with Pistol Grip Trigger.
This valve can be used with an Integrated Dispense Reservoirs to form a complete Dispensing System.  See # 1390321   

Available spare parts are the actuator assembly (top half), item # 97291 or shut-off assembly, (bottom half) item # 97240

Valves need maintenance? Click here for our rebuild exchange program.

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